kopi hijau untuk diet beli dimana
The cause of abdominal rings
Jakarta, Stomach humans sometimes like to remove specific sounds. Certainly this can make the owner of the stomach embarrassed when the middle is in a quiet room. What causes stomach to remove the tone? A belly that sounds can be a reminder, but a stomach tone that is sometimes loud or slow can also be without any argument. This chestnut tone comes from the stomach as well as the small intestine and can be related to the role of the digestion. In essence the digestive system is a long tube that starts from the mouth and finishes on the anus. This tube connects various types of organs and bebrapa different sides associated with the digestive system. The step of encouraging food in the human digestive system is by the constantly moving muscle contraction to push downward contained peristalsis movement. Except to encourage food, these contractions help to stir food and different digestive juices to a sticky combination of chyme. As taken from Howstuffworks, Tuesday (19/1/2010), the stomach that sounds is the result of this food push system that is movement on solid objects, chyme fluid and there is gas and air. The belly that sounds can take place any time not just when a person feels hungry. But if there is food in the stomach or small intestine, so the sounds are made will also be a little quieter and slow. Why muscle contraction has been going on even if the stomach is still empty? His arguments are related to hunger and appetite. After two hours an empty stomach, so the stomach begins to produce once more a hormone that can stimulate the local nerve to send a message to the brain. After that the brain will also reply with a sign on the digestive muscles to restart the peristaltic movement. This first peristaltic movement to clean up the remains of food is not digested, after that this movement will also make a person feel hungry again. This muscle contraction will also take place every hour and walk 10-20 minutes until the stomach is filled with food. But if the sound made by the stomach is too excessive, it may be one of the signs there is something wrong in the stomach like irritable bowel syndrome. In this problem is generally accompanied by the perceived difference in the gastrointestinal region. So a step to control the stomach that sounds with the consumption of some small meals and do not immediately eat a heavy and reduce food that has a gas content so that the sound does not grow. (ver / ir)